Lenten Journey
by Roger Molieri | 02/18/2024 | Weekly ReflectionIn my daily prayer I meditate on the words of Zachariah… “He has raised for us a mighty Savior, born of the house of his servant David.” We welcomed our Lord just a little more than a month ago. The Word made flesh is God coming to dwell in this world, undoing the effects of sin and turning it into what it was meant to be. From his fullness we have received grace and truth from our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We have barely had an opportunity to contemplate His birth as we prepare our minds and souls for His Passion, Death and Resurrection. Throughout the Advent season and now as we move towards lent, I reflected not only my daughter’s journey from this life but also the lives of loved ones that are no longer with us on this earth. Our daughter Jessica passed on January 13, 2019; on that Sunday we celebrated the baptism of our Lord. In some ways it seems like an eternity and other days it was yesterday.
My reflection or meditation does not take me back to the pain, but it brings me back to a place of hope and peace. She was remarkable and taught me so much about life in her death. Jessica never complained and remained hopeful until her nal breath. She passed peacefully in the arms of our Lord surrounded by her family. The year after Jessica’s passing, my wife’s mother passed and within that year she would bury her brother and sister just months apart. I don’t write this for sympathy, but I challenge you during this upcoming season Lent to spend time with our Lord, build your relationship through prayer, adoration and study. In union and communion with God. None of us know what life will bring, challenges that come before us or when our time has come. We only have a short time on this earth, and it is meant to be lived, God centered as men and women of God. My daughters Passion lasted 4 months, in that time she suffered with countless surgeries and procedures, but she carried her cross with dignity. On the day of her passing it was raining up until she went. At that very moment the clouds opened around the hospital and the sun shined down. The suns beams lit up the hospital when everything around us was dark. It was beautiful!
My wife Rosanna’s mother, went through her passion for 4 weeks after a stroke, thanks to modern technology we said goodbye enroute to see her in Los Angeles, her brother 4 weeks after contracting Covid, his final request was for a priest anointing, passing immediately after and her sister in mere moments. Each one of them had their passion, death and the hope of the resurrection. Her sister’s last words were, “My God!” as she sat up in bed and then collapsed. We wonder what she saw in that moment, perhaps our Lord?
In the life of the parish there are many ways to participate, live the Gospel and enhance your own relationship with God. We have a variety of ministries and parish life communities available to you and your family. Spiritual Growth communities include but not limited to-
- Adoration (spend an hour with our Lord, commit to an hour)
- Catholic Truth Seekers (Bible study for young adults 18-30)
- COR – Men’s fellowship – (Study/spiritual growth with men from the parish – For men 18 and over)
- Women’s fellowship groups (Catholic Daughters of America and Magis Women)
- St. Joseph’s Family Fellowship
- Widow’s Prayer and Share
- Adopt a Seminarian